Tue 15 Dec 2015
His Name is Bob can be streamed on Amazon Prime and several other streaming platforms.
Tue 15 Dec 2015
His Name is Bob can be streamed on Amazon Prime and several other streaming platforms.
Thu 21 Jun 2012
After 8 years this journey is almost over for us. We are proud to announce that His Name is Bob will be screening on the Documentary Channel availible to 27 million households, starting in August 2012.
As Bob would say, “I’ll see you, not unless I see you first.” Hahaah.
Check back soon DVDs for sale as soon as July 2012
Mon 27 Feb 2012
Published: Feb 26, 2012 11:23 PM
Everywhere he goes, everyone knows Bob.
For more than a decade, Bob Crawford has been a familiar sight at shops, restaurants and all manner of gathering places in East Dallas.
He was not, at first, a welcome one.
He was disheveled and obviously mentally disabled. He had a horrific past,
Photo slideshow
Mon 27 Feb 2012
Hi Everyone
Lisa and I screened the 45 minutes version of His Name is Bob at the Dallas Junior League. It was a great success, with everyone staying for the Q&A. It really amazes me every time we screen this film, the reaction from the crowd and how much they have bonded with Bob during the film.
We answered about 20 great questions about Bob childhood, the making of the film and what Bob’s live is like now.
Thanks Junior League it was a great time.
Sun 26 Feb 2012
Congrats! This was a great story—front page – major placement. A good reminder that there a lots of Bobs out there and many stay in the shadows.
Sun 26 Feb 2012
Lisa –
I saw the article this morning before I got your email – congrats! You need to be participating in next year’s Academy Awards ceremony!
Tue 19 Apr 2011
This past weekend, Sebastian and Heather represented our film in Houston and accepted a Platinum award for Best Short Documentary. I got a text from them late Saturday night and was beside myself with happiness. The makes 7 film festivals and 9 laurels. Such a surprise for us. We had no idea that we’d get this far.
While the awards and recognition have been nice, the four of us – Sebastian, Heather, me and Bob – have experienced a wide swath of emotions over the last eight years with our film. It’s been a wild ride. Joy, exhilaration, sadness, fear, impatience, but mostly, and I think I can speak for all of us, gratitude. We have been fortunate to have Bob’s amazing story to share with the world. Our dream is that more of the world would experience it. And be changed to move towards openness and compassion for those who we perceive as different upon first glance.
Our experience reminds me of the story about Mother Teresa and an aide worker. He showed up in Calcutta to help her with her leper colony. When he looked inside and saw the overwhelming crowds of suffering people, he said, “I can’t help all of these people.” She replied, “You can’t help all of these people. But you can help them by helping one at a time.”
It’s kind of like Bob. If one person meets him and/or sees the film and is changed, then that’s a small step towards changing the hearts and souls around us.
So in the end, while the awards are nice. Our film, our experience, is about so much more than this. It’s my prayer that while we can’t change everyone, that we can change a few people—and ultimately the world around us—with small, Bob baby steps, one right after the other.
Fri 11 Mar 2011
We got a letter yesterday that His Name Is Bob has won another award, it did not tell us what category we won, but it is either Best Doc or Best Cinematography. We are very excited about the award!
Fri 28 Jan 2011
Bob calls me about 10 times a week. Sometimes he is in a good mood and just wants to tell me he loves me, but once in a while he calls me to find out what is doing on with his movie and I have to tell him to please be patient.
But what is going on with the film?Â
Right now:
Fri 28 Jan 2011
We had an amazing screening to a sold out crowd at the 40th USA film festival. We could not have imagined a better first screening. People cried and laughed. We are so grateful to the USA Film Festival for believing in our film and for all the Bob fans that showed up to make that such a beautiful night.