Thu 29 Nov 2007
We are almost finished with the Business Plan which includes all the investor information. If you would like a copy please contact Sebastian at 214 762 1669
Thu 29 Nov 2007
We are almost finished with the Business Plan which includes all the investor information. If you would like a copy please contact Sebastian at 214 762 1669
Mon 29 Oct 2007
Very exciting news! We may have found someone who might Executive Produce
along with us. We are talking with a friend of mine who is Executive
Director of the Mind Science Foundation in San Antonio and the former Texas
Film Commissioner.
He is going to help us find funding to finish the film, but also, he has a
contact with a world-renowned medical doctor who can help us with our
chapter “Medical Opinion.”
Needless to say, we’re very excited. We’ll keep you posted on the progress.
Have a Great Day!
Lisa Johnson
Mon 8 Oct 2007
We have submitted our film for finish funding International Documentary Association Pare Lorentz Finishing Fund a 25k value and the International Documentary Association/ A&E IndieFilms/Heineken Finishing Fund a 50K value. Should have an answer in December 2007. Can’t wait