Sebastian Lee

Sebastian Lee was born in Dallas, Texas. He grew up in Highland Park and attended American University in Washington, D.C., where he received a bachelor’s degree with a major in Film & Photography and a minor in Art & Theater. Then he moved to New York City, where he worked as a Camera Assistant and Camera Operator for various film companies in the Commercial, Music Video, Feature Film and Independent Film areas. He then moved to Los Angeles to concentrate on Fine Art Photography, where he had 12 showings in three years in Los Angeles, Dallas and New York. Lee's director/cameraman credits in documentary film include "Why Ask Why," a documentary about alcoholism and drinking and driving in the early 90s and how the alcohol companies were targeting minors with advertisements and its effect on traffic mortality rates, and the current “His Name Is Bob.”

By day, Lee owns and runs a successful Internet company and a construction company. By night, he is a producer/director.

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