Heather J. Lee

Heather J. Lee grew up in Stonington, Maine. The rocky coastal town of approximately 5,000 was the perfect setting for her family’s farm, which boasted an expansive garden, pigs, cows, sheep, goats, chickens and many other critters. She played on the state championship varsity basketball team and graduated valedictorian of her class.

With dreams of being the next Walter Kronkite in the female form, Heather pursued a journalism degree and graduated Cum Laude in 1994 from the University of Missouri in Columbia.

An eye-opening first job as a reporter at a start-up English language business journal in Mexico City gave Heather a very authentic experience with reporting. Here she covered beats including tourism, hotels, media and advertising.

Heather wound up in Dallas in November 1995 and worked as a copy editor and designer at a group of weekly and semi-weekly newspapers in Plano. She signed on at The Dallas Morning News in April 1997 and spent the next six years working as an advertising copywriter on the real estate sections.

A career change brought Heather to the classroom door in 2003. For the past four years she has been teaching seventh and eighth graders how to have an appreciation for the news and everything that goes along with it. She designed curriculum for and taught five journalism and computer graphics clases, along with publishing a semi-monthly newspaper and a 200-page yearbook.

Heather took a Movie Maker class as part of a staff development requirement in January 2006. In six hours, she edited what would become the framework of the first completed chapter of His Name is Bob. Heather went on to take private tutoring sessions on Pinnacle Liquid Edition and a class at North Lake College on Final Cut Pro. She continues to work on editing the film.

His Name is Bob is Heather’s first documentary film.

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